- Terrible phone apps - Incomprehensible creature romance novel plots - Profoundly strange Pornomedy titles!
Should you wish to see the visuals we're describing, the Youtube version is here.
Next show: Friday, July 31 at 6:30PM EST (Guest TBA)
Zoom meeting room link is here ( Meeting ID: 871 5390 5376)

---Show Notes---
--Satyam Nayak--
Instagram: @_satyamnayak - soon to be @satyamnayak Venmo: @satyam-nayak
--Monica Hamburg--
Site: MonicaHamburg.com
Instagram: @Monica.Hamburg
Paypal: paypal.me/monicahamburg
"More Funding Needed", my short film with comedian Peter J. Radomski: https://vimeo.com/411260449
To hear about shows: https://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg
or go to http://Facebook.com/MonicaHamburgPresentsMore
Logo below by Nicolas Caesar: Scary-Art.com