We take you through hilarious and weird erotic subliminal videos, online plot generators, and Craigslist ads.
Youtube version here.
Next show: Friday, May 8th at 6:30PM EST
Zoom meeting room link is here (Meeting ID = 849 7028 3344)
(FB Live option etc. can be found by subscribing to the newsletter or following the page, below)

---Show Notes---
--Monica Hamburg--
Site: MonicaHamburg.com
Newsletter: Tinyletter.com/Monica.Hamburg
Facebook: @MonicaHamburgPresentsMore
Instagram: @Monica.Hamburg
Paypal: Monica.Hamburg@usa.net
--Mike Sains--
Twitter: @MikeSains
Instagram: @TheMikeSains
Featured on Track 6: https://2fatmusic.bandcamp.com/album/juice
Venmo: Mike-Sains
Logo below by Nicolas Caesar: Scary-Art.com