Our deaducators are: a special education teacher (who was also a cheerleader) and a former principal turned crack addict.
Sweet and funny comedian Keith Alberstadt joins to weigh in on who deserves the title of “FT of the Week”.
Plus: A brilliant highdea

---Information and Links ---
Site: DazedandConvicted.com
We're part of the Pod Awful Channel. Podawful.net
- Monica Hamburg (Twitter @monicahamburg, Vine, Facebook )
- Keith Alberstadt site is: keithcomedy.com
- You can find him on Twitter: @KeithAlberstadt
- On Facebook: Facebook.com/pages/Keith-Alberstadt/52956997530
- Youtube: Youtube.com/user/keithalby
- And his Album, “It’s Pronounced Jenkins”, is available on iTunes, Amazon and Pandora
- Our friend, "Malox The Mighty Expositor", in several sketch roles.
- This week's stories: Tears for Cheers and Crackie The Principal
- All episodes & guests - list here: Dazedandconvicted.com/p/full-guest-list_4.html
- We're also on Soundcloud (Full episodes) (Just the Mini-casts)
By subscribing:
- Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/DazedAndConvicted
- iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dazed-convicted-formerly-s/id436670413
- On Stitcher: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19756
- Via Email (see: http://dazedandconvicted.com/p/subscribe.html)
More snarky and weird content via:
- Twitter: @DazedConvicted
- Facebook: Facebook.com/DazedandConvicted
- Newsletter: http://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg
- I'm also on: the Podawful Channel Group: Facebook.com/groups/podawfulchannel/?fref=ts
- Email me: monica @ dazedandconvicted.com
- Tell me your choice for "FT of the Week" - comment on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)
- Please help us by sharing the show! (From this site, from Soundcloud etc.)
- Other ways to promote the show here: http://www.dazedandconvicted.com/p/help-promote.html
- Shiftypop does all our regular music: the theme song, interstitials, outro music. She has a CD out with her band ToyPop. you can get it on iTunes & Spotify. Sample the joy that is ToyPOP here: https://soundcloud.com/toypop
- Calso Art for the logo/album art
- For: “Competitor 1” etc.: Voice = abcdawg