
This is an explicit comedy podcast that comes in several flavors.

Presently, it's "Pornomedy"
where Monica Hamburg explores an assortment of odd user-named porn-titles, confounding tags, weird comments - and more!

Previously it's been:

- "Confined" she and a guest discussed strange and hilarious things she found on the net on "Confined"! Like especially bad porn tags & titles (#Pornomedy), peculiar products, strange spells, terrible t-shirts and more.

- Bizarre Craigslist ads on "Craigslost".

And there've been other itinerations. She's nothing if not consistent.

Monica's podcasts have been mentioned on The Huffington Post, Splitsider, won "Most Vulgar Canadian Podcast" and were selected for "New & Noteworthy" on iTunes a few times.

( "Episode List" here)

August 27, 2013

105 - The Devil Went Down to New Hampshire vs Shoot to... Something

This week, a man who decided his technical issues were the devil's work and another who needed to prove he could shoot straight.

Who will be the "FT of the Week"? Fierce competition here since one killed an elderly woman and the other guy murdered his friends!

Thankfully, Comedian Jake Weisman is our Guest Judge and provides his expert verdict!

Plus: Of sneezing and goats.
Podcast MP3

---Information and Links ---

Site: DazedandConvicted.com

    We're part of the Pod Awful Channel.  Podawful.net

      Guest Judge 

        Special Appearance 
        • Our friend, "Malox The Mighty Expositor", in several sketch roles. (Not this time around - but generally.)
        Check out 

        GET IT. FAST.

        By subscribing:

        THANKS TO:

      • HOWEVER most other sounds are from Freesound, for the full list see here
      • Photo belowSatanic Symbol by Alex Borland
        Satanic Symbol
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