So... You did something bad. You have several options. You could: a) Tell the truth about it b) Lie c) Lie to the MAX!
You can probably guess what a FT's gonna do...
We have one guy trying to avoid admitting he was drunk on the job and another not wanting to get caught cheating on his gal
Naturally a story about hostage taking and kidnapping is in order!
Thankfully, Comedian Andrew Schulz lends his services to figure out which of these two fools is the "FT of the Week".
Plus: a perverted Mr. Rogers teaches you how to win women over using hypnotic poetry..
---Information and Links ---
SHOW NOTES etc. on:
(Tell your inappropriate friends about us. They deserve it.)
We post more morons and weird content on:
You can probably guess what a FT's gonna do...
We have one guy trying to avoid admitting he was drunk on the job and another not wanting to get caught cheating on his gal
Naturally a story about hostage taking and kidnapping is in order!
Thankfully, Comedian Andrew Schulz lends his services to figure out which of these two fools is the "FT of the Week".
Plus: a perverted Mr. Rogers teaches you how to win women over using hypnotic poetry..

---Information and Links ---
- Andrew Schulz's site is, he's on Facebook ( and on Twitter (@andrewschulz)
- He's also on the MTV shows: "The Guy Code" and "Hip Hop Squares".
- This week's stories: Kidnapped Cheater, Hostage Drunk
- Thanks to Kevin Macleod at for today’s outro theme ("Sneaky Adventure"). His site has a whole whack of awesome, royalty-free tunes.
- Last week, we had some FTs who were really proud of themselves... "
"Episode 57 - Best Kool-Aid vs. Best Mexican" with Sean Emeny. - More strange excuses on : "Episode 45 - The Best Defense is a Good... Lie About Yogurt or Ghosts" with Chris Laker - and on "Episode 31 - Fake a Rape to Move to a Better Neighborhood or a Mugging to Placate Your Wife!" with Jay Larson and "The Lurker".
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We post more morons and weird content on:
- Twitter: @rantmehard
Shane Birley: (@ShaneBee on Twitter )
Monica Hamburg: (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)
- Email: info @ (or shane@ or monica@ )
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For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)
(You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)
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