When you're a parent, you vow to protect your child from harm. So, logically, you need to: strangle a teen or turn your child's assistant principal into a porn star!
Don't worry if your actions are slightly (or insanely) disproportionate to the original slight: that's the way of the FT!
Fortunately, very funny Ben and Howard of "I Am Idiot" come on to give us their "FT of the Week" Verdict.
Plus: Learn where to buy the fluids of a broke trashpicker! (Don't say we don't want to help!)
---Information and Links ---
Don't worry if your actions are slightly (or insanely) disproportionate to the original slight: that's the way of the FT!
Fortunately, very funny Ben and Howard of "I Am Idiot" come on to give us their "FT of the Week" Verdict.
Plus: Learn where to buy the fluids of a broke trashpicker! (Don't say we don't want to help!)

---Information and Links ---
- Ben and Howard can be found on the "I Am Idiot" podcast ( IAmIdiotCentral.com/ )
- They also have a Facebook Group ( Facebook.com/groups/238655809511074/ ) and are on Twitter ( @iamidiotcentral )
- This week's stories: Mom the Strangler, Dad the Pornographer)
- Thanks to Kevin Macleod at Incompetech.com for today’s outro theme ("Aces High"). Check out his site for a slew of wonderful, royalty-free music.
- Another tale of parental revenge - EXTREME-style: on "Episode 42 - When You Friend an FT, You Friend for Life" with Eli Braden.
- Last week, we didn't have a guest but we did discuss two FTs who did zero planning.... "Episode 55 - Bushy Arsonist vs. Lessons from a Lamebrain".
- Rate and Review us on iTunes: a positive review for us protects from the bath salt zombie apocalypse!
- If you use Stitcher Radio we are there too! Please help us promote by sharing the show using the 1-click Facebook, Twitter and Email icons on the Stitcher app.
- You can use any podcast service to subscribe, btw - feed is here).
- Twitter: @rantmehard
Facebook: Facebook.com/sandmrants
- Site: RantMeHard.com (Tell your inappropriate friends about us. Please.)
Email: info @ rantmehard.com (or shane@ or monica@ rantmehard.com )
Get our (coming eventually) newsletter https://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg containing additional weirdness.
Shane Birley: Shanesworld.ca (@ShaneBee on Twitter )
Monica Hamburg: YourDoseofLunacy.com (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)
Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!
Our (fairly unused) Google+ Page: gplus.to/sandmrants
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For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)
(You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)
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