
This is an explicit comedy podcast that comes in several flavors.

Presently, it's "Pornomedy"
where Monica Hamburg explores an assortment of odd user-named porn-titles, confounding tags, weird comments - and more!

Previously it's been:

- "Confined" she and a guest discussed strange and hilarious things she found on the net on "Confined"! Like especially bad porn tags & titles (#Pornomedy), peculiar products, strange spells, terrible t-shirts and more.

- Bizarre Craigslist ads on "Craigslost".

And there've been other itinerations. She's nothing if not consistent.

Monica's podcasts have been mentioned on The Huffington Post, Splitsider, won "Most Vulgar Canadian Podcast" and were selected for "New & Noteworthy" on iTunes a few times.

( "Episode List" here)

June 29, 2012

Episode 59 - The Spirits Request that You Do Porn

The supernatural world can be so compelling! And their wishes so strange! You might need to strip for spirits so they can better communicate with you - or steal a baby to bring back your dead mother!
Once again we have double the fun: giving you at least two FTs in each article!  
And we are so grateful to have Comedian Paul Hooper on as this week's Guest Judge to figure this mess out and determine the "FT of the Week"!
Plus: An "erotic" story written by a Goth.
Podcast MP3 

---Information and Links ---

SHOW NOTES etc. on:
          (Tell your inappropriate friends about us. They deserve it.)

  • Rate and Review us on iTunes: a positive review for us protects from the bath salt zombie apocalypse!  
  • If you use Stitcher Radio we are there too!
    Please help us promote by sharing the show using the 1-click Facebook, Twitter and Email icons on the Stitcher app.
  • You can use any podcast service to subscribe, btw - feed is here).
GET MORE FT action!
We post more morons and weird content on:


Shane Birley: Shanesworld.ca (@ShaneBee on Twitter ) 
Monica Hamburg: YourDoseofLunacy.com (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)

    Email: info @ rantmehard.com  (or shane@ or monica@ rantmehard.com )
    Get our (coming eventually) newsletter https://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg containing additional weirdness.
    Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!   
     Our (fairly unused) Google+ Page: gplus.to/sandmrants 
     You can place your VOTE!
    For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)  
    (You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.) 


June 22, 2012

Episode 58 - Just Hand Over the Berries and Nobody Gets Hurt

So... You did something bad. You have several options. You could: a) Tell the truth about it b) Lie c) Lie to the MAX!
You can probably guess what a FT's gonna do...
We have one guy trying to avoid admitting he was drunk on the job and another not wanting to get caught cheating on his gal
Naturally a story about hostage taking and kidnapping is in order!
Thankfully, Comedian Andrew Schulz lends his services to figure out which of these two fools is the "FT of the Week".
Plus: a perverted Mr. Rogers teaches you how to win women over using hypnotic poetry..
Podcast MP3 

---Information and Links ---

SHOW NOTES etc. on:
          (Tell your inappropriate friends about us. They deserve it.)

  • Rate and Review us on iTunes: a positive review for us protects from the bath salt zombie apocalypse!  
  • If you use Stitcher Radio we are there too!
    Please help us promote by sharing the show using the 1-click Facebook, Twitter and Email icons on the Stitcher app.
  • You can use any podcast service to subscribe, btw - feed is here).
GET MORE FT action!
We post more morons and weird content on:


Shane Birley: Shanesworld.ca (@ShaneBee on Twitter ) 
Monica Hamburg: YourDoseofLunacy.com (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)

    Email: info @ rantmehard.com  (or shane@ or monica@ rantmehard.com )
    Get our (coming eventually) newsletter https://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg containing additional weirdness.
    Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!   
     Our (fairly unused) Google+ Page: gplus.to/sandmrants 
     You can place your VOTE!
    For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)  
    (You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.) 


June 15, 2012

Episode 57 - Best Kool-Aid vs. Best Mexican!

Being the best at something is vitally important to a FT - no matter what that something is! And, you better not challenge them - or things could get right dicey - and deadly.
This time we look at two guys who duelled about being the best Kool-Aid-maker, and a dude who needed to be the best Mexican!
Comedian Sean Emeny is our guest judge this time, and we are grateful he's willing to provide his input - and his verdict on the "FT of the Week".
Plus: a smorgasbord of weirdness...
Podcast MP3 

---Information and Links ---

SHOW NOTES etc. on:
          (Tell your inappropriate friends about us. They deserve it.)

  • Rate and Review us on iTunes: a positive review for us protects from the bath salt zombie apocalypse!  
  • If you use Stitcher Radio we are there too!
    Please help us promote by sharing the show using the 1-click Facebook, Twitter and Email icons on the Stitcher app.
  • You can use any podcast service to subscribe, btw - feed is here).
GET MORE FT action!
We post more morons and weird content on:


Shane Birley: Shanesworld.ca (@ShaneBee on Twitter ) 
Monica Hamburg: YourDoseofLunacy.com (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)

    Email: info @ rantmehard.com  (or shane@ or monica@ rantmehard.com )
    Get our (coming eventually) newsletter https://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg containing additional weirdness.
    Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!   
     Our (fairly unused) Google+ Page: gplus.to/sandmrants 
     You can place your VOTE!
    For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)  
    (You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.) 


June 8, 2012

Episode 56 - An Eye for an Eyelash!

When you're a parent, you vow to protect your child from harm. So, logically, you need to: strangle a teen or turn your child's assistant principal into a porn star!

Don't worry if your actions are slightly (or insanely) disproportionate to the original slight: that's the way of the FT!

Fortunately, very funny Ben and Howard of "I Am Idiot" come on to give us their "FT of the Week" Verdict.
Plus: Learn where to buy the fluids of a broke trashpicker!  (Don't say we don't want to help!)
Podcast MP3 

---Information and Links ---

  • Rate and Review us on iTunes: a positive review for us protects from the bath salt zombie apocalypse!  
  • If you use Stitcher Radio we are there too!  Please help us promote by sharing the show using the 1-click Facebook, Twitter and Email icons on the Stitcher app.
  • You can use any podcast service to subscribe, btw - feed is here).
GET MORE FT action! We post more morons and weird content on:


June 1, 2012

Episode 55 - Bushy Arsonist vs. Lessons from a Lamebrain

***Note: An unusual episode this time as we don't have a guest. Still, there's lots of fun insanity. 
Of course, if you're listening for the first time, you might want to try another one first, like #53 or #52, to get a better idea of the show (Links below.)***
Ah, good planning.... Never the hallmark of a FT...
These guys are no exception.  One sets a fire - but neglects to consider a key element... Another decides to teach his friend how not to become a victim - by arming himself and breaking into his place.
Since we are guest-less it's up to you to decide our "FT of the Week"! Contact us via Twitter, Facebook, Comment/Vote below or email us with your verdict and reasoning.
Plus: Learn how helpful lasers can be when it comes to your branch or weapon! - AND – An erotic tranny story written by… Kanye West?
Podcast MP3 

---Information and Links ---

GET MORE FT action! We post more morons and weird content on:
