Gals, they can be a handful. Especially when they insist on stabbing you with your decorations during a relaxing evening or setting fire to your home every time you break up.
This week we are thankful we can talk to Comedian Darcy Michael and get him to figure out our "FT of the Week".
And: joining us in the "studio" is another lovely guest,"Scarborough Dude".
Plus: A strawberry-flavored erotic story.
---Information and Links ---
This week we are thankful we can talk to Comedian Darcy Michael and get him to figure out our "FT of the Week".
And: joining us in the "studio" is another lovely guest,"Scarborough Dude".
Plus: A strawberry-flavored erotic story.

---Information and Links ---
- Find Darcy Michael at, on Facebook ( and on Twitter (@thedarcymichael)
- Download his new standup special, "One Skinny Bitch"! (
- And our studio guest, "Scarborough Dude", can be found at:
- Stories: burning down the house gal, seashell stabber.
- Thanks to Kevin Macleod at for today’s outro theme ("Jarvic 8"). He has lots of cool royalty-free music, so check it out.
- Want more crazy chicks? There's a lovely gal on Episode 31: "Fake Fake a Rape to Move to a Better Neighborhood or a Mugging to Placate Your Wife!" with Jay Larson.
- Last week, we had some criminals whose violence was triggered by sexy talk and cat pee... "Episode 53 - Hell Hath No Fury Like a Man With a Peed-on Computer or a Buddy Who's Had More Sex" - with Matt Davis.
- Rate and Review us on iTunes (remember: ever positive rating for us - is a vote for freedom and judgement.)
- (Use any podcast service to subscribe - feed is here).
- We're also on Stitcher Radio!
- Twitter: @rantmehard
- Email: info @ (or shane@ or monica@ )
Get our (coming eventually) newsletter for additional weirdness!
Shane Birley: (@ShaneBee on Twitter )
Monica Hamburg: (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)
Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!
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For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)
(You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)